Weekly Mailbag: Your Most Pressing Digital Dollar Questions Answered

If you’ve been following me the past two weeks, you know I’ve been warning about a major overhaul happening to our money.

On Wednesday night, I held an emergency briefing to explain what it is… and my playbook for profiting from it. I called it Countdown to Chaos.

More than 6,900 people attended. And I got so many questions during my Q&A session… But I didn’t have time to answer them all.

So in today’s Inside Wall Street, I want to address some of the questions I got during the briefing – including many I didn’t have the time to answer.

If you haven’t seen my briefing yet, click here to stream the replay.

Then, let’s get to your questions…

Q: During your broadcast, you mentioned the historic shift that’s coming will change our money forever. Can you expand on that?

A: That’s a great question, thank you.

As I showed on Wednesday, it all comes down to the Federal Reserve.

See, the Fed is trapped. No matter what it does next with interest rates, the financial system teeters on a dangerous cliff.

So to protect its influence and power – the Fed is about to make a last-ditch effort.

The Fed is set to roll out what I call its “Final Mandate.”

It’s a technology that’s the first step towards the adoption of an all-digital dollar, or a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

A CBDC is nothing more than a government-backed cryptocurrency.

You can’t print it like a physical dollar. It’s just a few lines of code on a computer. It would only exist in cyberspace, allowing consumers to transact without a bank account.

On the surface, it sounds great. It’s a medium of exchange. It’s a store of value. It’s a quick means of payment.

Best of all, it’s easy to use. Just tap a few buttons on your smartphone and you can send or receive that CBDC in an instant.

But it also gives the Fed and the government almost unbreakable financial control over your life.

This won’t happen all at once. First, they’ll roll out new “products” to get you used to the idea.

And that’s why I’ve circled July 31 on my calendar. Because that’s when the first “product” is set to hit the market. It’s called “FedNow.”

In short, it’s a new digital payment system that the Fed is rolling out.

The goal of FedNow is to allow businesses and people to send and receive instant payments 24/7, 365 days of the year.

It’s an upgrade over the current system that can take many hours or even days for money to clear. It allows settlements between banks to happen in real time.

Think of it like Venmo or Zelle, but for banks.

It can be very useful in certain situations. Like when a business needs to fast-track a purchase of supplies.

It’s why FedNow Business Executive Nick Stanescu said, “FedNow is going to be a game-changer that is going to revolutionize payment systems in the U.S.”

It sounds great in theory. But it also brings about a scarier proposition. FedNow gives the elites new powers – for the first time ever – to track every dollar you spend.

They’ll be able to know what you’re buying… and who you’re buying it from.

When FedNow makes headlines by the end of July, I expect the government to do what it’s always done.

We’ll hear a strong push to stay calm and accept the new system. And we’ll see more and more banks put restrictions on withdrawals and transfers.

But as I showed during my broadcast, if you understand what’s happening, you can come out ahead.

Q: Nearly every developed country is rolling out the same kind of programmable currency. What will that look like around the world?

A: Yes, more than 100 countries are in various stages of planning a digital currency. According to the Atlantic Council, that represents 95% of the world’s GDP.

I’ve spent time in the U.K., Australia, Canada, and a handful of other countries in the last 12 months. And the truth is likely more serious than most folks think.

Sweden has already kicked cash…

China is paying university and state employees using their digital yuan…

Russia has rolled out a pilot program for a digital ruble…

Europe and the U.K. are running beta programs…

And Brazil, Argentina, and India aren’t too far behind.

Soon, the entire world will operate using some sort of programmable money.

Our privacy will be gone. We won’t be able to escape without the watchful eyes of the government.

What we buy… how much we spend… who we do business with… Everything will be tracked — and it will all be fair game in the court of the public record.

And this isn’t just an empty threat from the government.

FedNow is the permanent record of our lives. It’s real, it’s here, and it’s being rolled out as we speak.

That’s why it’s critical to prepare right now.

Q: Once the FedNow and digital money system is in place, is my brokerage account safe? Will I still be able to invest digital dollars?

A: Excellent question. Yes, you will still be able to invest like you do now, even in the “new normal.”

Remember, Wall Street collects billions in fees from asset management. They need a constant influx of new investors to keep their wealth flowing.

There’s no way they will let anyone kill that golden goose.

So you can count on still being able to use your brokerage account to make investments.

Q: How long do we have to get into the gold trade you discussed on Wednesday? Is there a time limit?

A: Look, nobody can predict everything that will happen in the future. But right now, we have the closest thing possible to a crystal ball…

A clear date for FedNow and the launch of the programmable dollar.

And, as I discussed at my emergency briefing, this is not speculation or a prediction. The FedNow rollout date – July 31 – comes directly from the Fed’s website.

And money is already flooding out of bank accounts, pension funds, retirement accounts, and traditional banks…

And into the tiny gold firm we talked about at my briefing on Wednesday.

Goldman Sachs is buying… Vanguard… Blackrock…

And history shows folks who buy right now could make as much as 10 times… 20 times… even 50 times their money, even as most Americans are blindsided.

Plus, this tiny firm holds a valuable “wild card.”

It has one of the biggest (and most underdeveloped) mines in the world. But it’s not a gold mine…

It has control of a mine that could become the world’s most profitable copper mine. It recently discovered more than 30 billion pounds of copper, worth more than $550 million at today’s prices.

In other words, the firm can just about survive on its copper mining alone… But it doesn’t have to.

This tiny company is sitting on over 7 million ounces of gold. At current prices, that’s nearly $15 billion worth of gold.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a better setup than this. That’s why, as I showed in more detail at Wednesday’s event, the time to buy is today.

Q: Will the bullish trend for gold continue? What are your price targets for gold in 2024 and 2025?

A: Thank you for the question. The short answer is, yes. I predict gold will go higher in the next two years.

Gold prices rose by roughly 2% in 2022. They have risen by another 5% since the start of 2023.

I only see this trend continuing. Here are two of the main reasons why I think this will happen…

First, central banks continue to increase their gold holdings.

As you can see in the chart below, global central banks increased their gold-buying practices in 2022.

And just during February of 2023, global central banks’ gold reserves rose by 52 metric tons.

Overall, central banks view gold as a currency and financial stability management tool.

The way I see it, central banks are the most reliable buyers of gold. That’s why they provide steadiness during periods of gold volatility.

So the more gold they buy, the more stable the price of gold becomes.

We also see a growing trend of emerging countries buying more gold…

As you can see, emerging countries’ gold holdings have been rising steadily since the 2000s.

It’s even more important for developing nations to increase their currency stability. That’s so they can remain economically competitive on the world stage.

And this growing trend represents an upside for gold prices. Steady demand for an asset or commodity reduces overall price volatility.

So central banks are important contributors to gold prices going higher.

But there’s also a second reason gold’s bullish trend will continue: inflation is still high.

Last year, U.S. inflation peaked at 9.1% – the highest increase in 40 years.

Now, the most recent inflation or Consumer Price index (CPI) reading stood at 4%. That’s a drop from last year, but it’s still above the Fed’s target of 2%.

And as I wrote recently, Americans are still feeling significant price squeezes.

Groceries are 20% more expensive than two years ago. In 2022, food prices increased by 9.9%. And this year, they’re expected to go up by 6.2%.

Persistent high inflation will drive more investors to diversify into gold.

That’s because gold has a historic role as an inflation hedge and a wealth preservation asset. And it tends to do well in times of turmoil, like today. You can see that in the chart below.

Now, the price of gold is on the rise.

At last glance, the price of gold stood at $1,928 per ounce.

But here’s where I think gold will go in the next two years…

By the end of 2024, I believe gold prices could reach $3,000-3,500 per ounce. And by the end of 2025, they could rise even higher… to $3,500-4,000 per ounce.

All in all, we’re in a gold bull market run right now.

And there are no signs of it slowing down.

Q: Nomi, could we really make 50 times our money in this market?

A: I really wish I had a crystal ball… But I don’t.

What I can say is the best we’ve done is 4,940%. If I’m right about the tiny mining firm I told viewers about on Wednesday, that’s the potential here, too.

You really don’t want to let opportunities like this pass you by.

But I can only lay out our investing thesis. And promise you that we’ll work hard for you… Communicate on all our trades…

And do our best to repeat our successes so you can achieve the financial freedom you deserve.

The weeks ahead will be filled with turbulence and chaos.

Many people will be confused… concerned… even frightened as more banks collapse, and money floods out of the new programmable financial system ahead of the July FedNow launch.

The headlines will promise it’s just an administrative “update.” But now, you’re forewarned.

You know the truth behind the headlines. And, if you tuned into my Countdown to Chaos briefing, you know exactly what you need to do to preserve your privacy and wealth as many Americans panic. If you missed it, you can still catch the replay here.

And that’s all for this week’s mailbag. Thanks to everyone who wrote in!

Happy investing… and have a fantastic weekend!


Nomi Prins
Editor, Inside Wall Street with Nomi Prins

P.S. If I didn’t get to your question this week, write me at feedback@rogueeconomics.com. I respond to as many of your questions and comments as I can in our Friday mailbags. Please keep in mind, I can’t give personal investment advice.