The “Everything Bull Market” Is Here

Last week, I told you that we’re in a bull market…

Stocks are up by more than 20% since their October lows.

But there’s more of it coming…

See, the 18.6-year real estate cycle isn’t just about stocks or real estate.

It’s about most assets, including bonds… commodities… you name it.

And my readers have known it for a long time.

Now, the mainstream media have started to catch up.

Bloomberg: The Everything Bull Market Is Here

They are calling it “the growing euphoria:”

The growing euphoria on Wall Street has industrial shares on a tear, junk-bond spreads narrowing, quants ramping up Treasury shorts and everyone piling into stocks. Cash and hedges are out, replaced by demand for everything from small caps to meme stocks. Fueling the surge is all that data showing the US economy to be thriving amid mounting evidence the Federal Reserve is beating inflation. This cheery outlook has sent the S&P 500 to the brink of its sixth advance in seven months and pushed prices in the Nasdaq 100 to almost 35 times profit. 

I rarely agree with mainstream media, but this paragraph summarizes the “Eleventh Hour” pretty well.

As a reminder, the Eleventh Hour is the most bullish phase of the 18.6-year real estate cycle.

Most investments are soaring, money is sloshing around, liquidity is abundant… and investors lose their sense of caution.

It feels like you can’t lose.

But most of them will lose… because they don’t know when the Eleventh Hour ends. They are not prepared for the eventual turn of the 18.6-year real estate cycle.

How to Play the Eleventh Hour

Even though most assets go up during the Eleventh Hour, not everything does…

This is why I never tell investors to just “buy the market.”

You need to be cautious.

Especially when nobody else is.

There is the right way to play the Eleventh Hour… but almost nobody knows about it.

They just pile into the latest hotness – be it crypto, AI-related companies, or other things that they don’t understand but hear about from mainstream media and even their friends.

Don’t do that.

Otherwise, you’ll do what everybody else does.

Which is, lose your shirt when the cycle turns.

But I’ve been forecasting the market for years. It’s allowed me to grow my wealth in an incredible way.

And my mission now is to help regular folks do the same.

Check out my recent briefing about how you can play the Eleventh Hour… You’ll learn how to play this stage of the real estate cycle like nobody else can.


Phil Anderson

Editor, Cycles Trading with Phil Anderson

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